Saturday, August 1, 2009

Food Blogger.

I want to be a food blogger. 

I've decided this recently, and have realized that my lackadaisical way of blogging just won't work for this pursuit, so I'm attempting to remedy this. Here are some of the ways I'm taking action:

1) This post, for starters.
2) Taking pictures of my cooking, like this:

3) Joining the mailing list for a local food-oriented community, Friday Morning
s @SELMA. It's been getting a lot of press in Ann Arbor lately, and it seems like a good place to meet lots of like-minded individuals. 
4) Following unique-to-me food stories, like this stalk of corn growing in my front yard:
This stalk started of relatively innocuous, a very purposeful sprout of green that I figured must be there for a reason (Mike and I moved into our new house at the start of the spring, so we've been watching what comes up with a careful eye, learning our landscaping as we go). It soon took on monstrous proportions, however, and I came to terms with the fact that there was only one plant I knew of that looked like that--corn. I was pretty sure it wouldn't produce any ears, however, as I figured it most need another stalk to cross-pollinate with. Our friendly neighborhood corn grower at the farmer's market, however, told us that was a fallacy. All it needed was for the tassel (the male part of the corn) to drop its goodies onto the silks (the female part, that actually form the kernels). Well then.

We returned home from the farmer's market and realized the tassel has grown on our stalk of corn. So now we wait. How many ears will we get? Will it be edible? More stories to come, I'm sure. 

Unless it is an alien pod come to possess our bodies. Then this blog might take a turn. 

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