Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Corn Stalker

Our corn continues to grow and proliferate; we now have three tassels and the makings of two ears. We also have a stalker. 

Perhaps stalker might be too strong of a word. However, when Mike and I came home for lunch today (one of the perks of living so close to work now!) we ran into one of our neighbors who told us the strange tale of a woman in a white Kia. Apparently this woman was driving past our house, slammed on the brakes, reversed, and began taking photos of our house. She then BACKED UP onto the street that intersects our directly across from our house and sat there for a while, watching the house. 

Can you say creepy? I can!

We joked some about the new online version of a newspaper that we have in town taking pictures of our corn for publication, but I doubt that's likely. I do figure that the corn had to be attention-drawing feature of our house, though, because it's the only thing that's really unusual about our front yard. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my house, and I think it is gosh darn adorable. But it is an neighborhood full of gosh darn adorable houses. I can't see how ours would be more attention grabbing than another. 

But I must make a plea to the woman in the white Kia. Why were you photographing my house? My corn? What do you plan to do with those photos? Report us to Monsanto?

I promise updates as they come. I may even make them up if they don't.

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