Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why You Should Pay Attention at the Grocery Store.

On Sunday, I made a quick trip to Whole Foods, alone, for some necessities. I try not to do too major of a shopping trip at Whole Foods because of the prices and the crowds, but I do love it. I love the whole ambiance, and you have to appreciate any store that's as conscientious about its product and its ingredients--even if it is a chain. In any case, it was just a short trip, for yogurt and lunch stuff and some salsa and things...and coffee. I nearly forgot the coffee, and hit the aisle with a full basket and a distracted mind, already tired of shopping.

Given the mark up at Whole Foods, I seek out sales/365 generics/other discounts wherever I can, just to save a couple dollars. I scanned the coffee shelves by price tag, not by flavor, feeling confident that whatever I would grab would likely be at least fair trade, possibly organic, and most likely tasty. I find the cheapest bag (shockingly priced at $6.99), see that it's 75% organic, feel satisfied, and hit the checkout.

I finished off my old bag of coffee on Monday, then failed to wake up in time to make coffee this morning. After getting home this evening, I was craving a warm cup of coffee and a biscotti to unwind with (my new-found biscotti obsession a topic for another day). I set about opening up the bag, and notice the words "naturally caffeine free."

I stop. Even decaffeinated coffee isn't "naturally" caffeine free. What was this strange coffee?

I examine the label. It turns out that it wasn't coffee at all, but rather, a coffee-like beverage made from chicory, carob, almonds, and some other nonsense. What the hell? Seriously! Who comes up with this? And then tries to sell as a health tonic for coffee lovers? Or, get this--an alternative to hot cocoa for kids?!?!

It smelled okay, though, and I really wanted that biscotti, so I brewed up a pot. It was quite possibly the most noxious beverage I've ever tasted.

As long as I was dipping the biscotti into it, it wasn't bad, but the first sip was nearly undrinkable. I didn't go back for another.

The point of this story is, saving money isn't worth misreading the label. And if you see something called "Teeccino," know, it is neither tea nor coffee. Be advised.


  1. Try Trader Joe's.... they have a lot of Fair Trade and organic coffees, and most of them are in the $6.99 to $9.99 range. And I absolutely heart Trader Joe's.

  2. Yes, I prefer Trader Joe's coffees myself. I just was at Whole Foods. Alas for me.
